Fundamentals of the Cardiovascular System

The cardiovascular (CV) system is composed of the heart and blood vessels. The heart is a hollow, muscular organ lying in the mediastinum, the center of the thoracic cavity between the lungs. The pumping action of the heart propels blood containing oxygen, nutrients, and other vital products from the heart to body cells through a vast network of blood vessels called arteries.

Arteries branch into smaller vessels until they become microscopic vessels called capillaries. It is at the capillary level that exchange of products occurs between body cells and blood. Capillaries merge to form larger blood vessels called venules, which then combine to form veins, the vessels that return blood to the heart to begin the cycle again.

Millions of body cells rely on the cardiovascular system for their survival. When this transportation system fails, life at the cellular level is not possible and, ultimately, the organism will die,

  • Upon completion of this webinar, you will be able to:
  • Locate and describe the structures of the cardiovascular system.
  • Describe the functional relationship between the cardiovascular system and other body systems.
  • Identify, pronounce, spell, and build words related to the cardiovascular system.
  • Describe pathological conditions, diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, and other terms related to the cardiovascular system in both English and Spanish. 
  • Explain pharmacology related to the treatment of cardiovascular disorders.
Additional course details
Duration: 1.5 hours
Methodology: Live Webinar
Language: English and Spanish.
Requirements: Stable internet connection, computer, phone or tablet and quiet environment.
Technology: Multimedia and 3D images