Fundamentals of Special Senses

General sensations perceived by the body include touch, pressure, pain, and temperature. These sensations are not identified with any specific site of the body. Specific sensations include smell (olfaction), taste (gustation), vision, hearing (audition), and equilibrium. Each specific sensation is connected to a specific organ or structure in the body.
This webinar presents information on the sense of vision provided by the eye and senses of hearing and equilibrium
provided by the ear.

Upon completion of this webinar, you will be able to:
• Locate and describe the main structures of the eye and ear.
• Recognize, pronounce, spell, and build words related to the special senses.
• Describe pathological conditions, diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, and other terms related to
the special senses in both English and Spanish.
• Explain pharmacology related to the treatment of eye and ear disorders.

Additional course details
Duration: 1.5 hours
Methodology: Live Webinar
Language: English and Spanish.
Requirements: Stable internet connection, computer, phone or tablet and quiet environment.
Technology: Multimedia and 3D images