Fundamentals of Over the Phone Interpreting

The telephone interpreter converts the spoken language from one language to another, enabling listeners and speakers to understand each other. Interpretation over the telephone most often takes  in consecutive mode, which means that the interpreter waits until the speaker finishes an utterance before rendering the interpretation into the other language.

On this workshop you will learn the fundamentals of Over the Phone Interpretation, including but not limited to:

  • Interpreter code of ethics.
  • Interpreter's roles.
  • Customer service skills applied to over the phone interpretation.
  • Working with the client and following instructions.
  • How to use polite forms of expressions accordingly in an OPI setting.
  • The importance of cultural competence for effective communication.
  • Adjusting your pace and tone depending on the nature of the call.
  • The importance of accuracy and complete.
  • How to be resourceful, intervene or clarify when needed.
  • How to deal with unfamiliar terminology, regionalisms, acronyms, Anglicisms and others. .
  • How to do first person interpretation effectively.
  • How to ensure a good flow of the call and get workable segments from both parties.
  • How to remain neutral, impartial and unbiased.
  • Unfamiliar situations.